Brandon Anderson
General Manager - Up Front Performance Space
Theatrical Titles
Contributing Writer
Brandon was born and raised in Columbus, OH. He was drawn to comedy after secretly memorizing Eddie Murphy’s concert films at an age that many experts would deem “inappropriate.”
As a student at Xavier University, Brandon co-founded a sketch/improv troupe, supervised the theater’s student staff, and was president of the campus’ performing arts club. Brandon graduated with a BA in Public Relations in 2001, and auditioned for Shadowbox Live later that same year.
Theatrical Expertise
Anderson was selected to join the resident cast of Shadowbox Newport – the company’s satellite theater in the Greater Cincinnati area. He began his career playing a variety of supporting roles in original sketches, learning about comedic timing and presence on the job.
Anderson is now a popular performer on both the band and comedy stages, as well as in the company’s full-length musicals and original metamedia productions.
Career Highlights
Some of Anderson’s favorite shows and roles include:
The Rocky Horror Show (Eddie)
Jesus Christ Superstar (Judas)
RENT (Roger)
Organizational Expertise
As Director of Communications, Anderson works with departments to align messaging for Shadowbox Live’s website, social media platforms, marketing and development campaigns and external communications.
Anderson also serves as Shadowbox Live’s Senior Operations Manager, coordinating the day-to-day production, administrative, and rehearsal needs of the company. He oversees administrative training for new metaperformers, and manages programming and staffing for Up Front Performance Space, an SBX civic givesback that hosts independent performing artists and events.