This one-hour session is designed to fit your specific instructional needs for groups between 15 and 75 participants. Come learn in a non-judgmental, energetic, and fun environment how the power of “yes” can transform your business!
Please contact for more info.

About Team Building at Shadowbox Live
Build a Better Team
Develop and Hone Listening Skills
Improve Group Communication
Enhance Presentation Skills
Build Leadership Skills
Learn How to Deal With the Unexpected
Problem Solve
Improve Negotiation Skills
But don’t take our word for it. The New York Times, Harvard Business Review, and Forbes all agree that corporate improv training is great for business.
“Studies have shown that people can improve their communication skills and lower their anxiety with regular practice. Improv's low-stakes training increases the likelihood that team members will feel comfortable communicating in a variety of work situations. 'Yes, and' is the key.”
– Forbes Magazine
“There’s an important axiom in improvisation: Always take care of your partner. The same is true of leaders: you need a great ensemble, working in concert around you, to succeed. Improvisation – and the improv toolkit – offer great grounding for leaders challenged to thrive in a business climate that demands agility, resilience, quick thinking, and ease with ambiguity.”
– Harvard Business Review
“Saying yes sounds implicit, but it’s profound. Barriers go up in front of fresh ideas within moments of their creation, leading to an atmosphere of “we can’t do that”. The improv idea of saying “yes” from the start allows business folks to entertain things that would ordinarily get axed out.”
– Patricia Ryan Madson; The New York Times